Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reports from Rwanda

Muraho! ("Hello" in Kinyarwandan). It warms my heart so much to know how many of you are pulling for me to have a safe, exciting, fulfilling trip to Rwanda. So for any of you who are interested, I am planning on blogging from Kigali (when the electricity is on) about my experience there. You are welcome to come along! Murakoze (thank you) for your kind thoughts and support. In case you don't know where Rwanda is (as I didn't before I signed up to go), it is south of Uganda (which is south of Sudan), west of Tanzania & Lake Victoria (which is west of Kenya) and east of the Congo. It is only about the size of Maryland with both rocky mountains & rain forest mountains where the gorillas live. The capital, Kigali, is a large city of about 1 million. It operates on "Africa time" which is slower than Hawaiian time. When someone says they will meet you at 3:00, they mean anywhere from noon to 6:00. I don't know how that can work, but I will be finding out. More after the 25-hour plane flight & I get my bearings. I will be using Dona Eden's Energy Medicine method for re-calibrating my body to the 9-hour time difference. I'll see how that works.

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