Thursday, July 4, 2013


I can thank a friend for stimulating discomfort intense enough for me to take the time and create the intent to heal and find my deeper Self again.  Sometimes my deepest and most cherished, but outmoded, beliefs require not-so-gentle nudges from Source in the form of important people in my life.  Even though I may be conscious of that as it is happening, it takes some healing and resolution before I can really feel gratitude.  That gratitude is food for my inner independence.  Some of the realizations that I found from “coming to my knees” in earnest desire for change follow:         

I allow my evolution.  I release pushing, seeking, efforting, trying, attached intending, expectations, and impatience.  I allow myself to change the interaction with my Ego and therefore with others.  I slow down breath, thought, energy flow, and allow myself to move into the deep knowing space in my center that holds joy, humility, compassion for myself, others and the planet, and the detachment from judgment about what I experience.  I open my heart to myself and to all that is, of which I am an inseparable part.   I know these words may seem like parroting of ancient and current teachings, but they are coming from my heart and my inner experience.  That is what Independence Day is to me now:  to be independent of beliefs, feelings, expectations that originate outside of myself in the media, in decades of acculturation, from honored mentors and from life experiences (past and present).  I know the old stories will claim my attention again, but every time I allow this experience of inner freedom, I make neuronal, cellular and even DNA paths for lasting change of my response to life.  As Barbara Marx Hubbard would say, I more fully incarnate my Universal Self, my original vibration of Being, as active in my human experience.  Happy Independence Day!